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By: Pierre Kory, MPA, MD

  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Fellowship Program Director, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York


Essentials for Childhood: Steps to blood pressure ranges for dogs 100 mg trandate with amex Create Safe hypertension icd-4019 generic 100 mg trandate, Stable how quickly will blood pressure medication work cheap trandate 100 mg mastercard, Nurturing Relationships and Environments the Essentials for Childhood framework proposes steps communities can consider to promote the types of relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens. The framework is organized around four goals and related steps to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children and families. Four goal areas: 1) raise awareness and commitment; 2) use data to inform actions; 3) create the context for healthy children and families through norms change and programs; 4) create the context for healthy children and families through policies. It includes behaviors such as fondling, penetration, and exposing a child to other sexual activities. Examples include name calling, shaming, rejection, withholding love, and threatening. These needs include housing, food, clothing, education, and access to medical care. Self-report data suggest that at least 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse and/or neglect in the last year. Younger children are more likely to experience fatal abuse and neglect,5 while 14 to 17-year-olds are more likely to experience non-fatal abuse and neglect. Child protective services data show high rates of victimization among African-American children. African-American children experience abuse and neglect at rates that are nearly double those for white children. These diferences are generally attributed to various community and societal factors, including poverty as well as diferences in reporting and investigation. Risk for child abuse and neglect perpetration and victimization is infuenced by a number of individual, family, and environmental factors, all of which interact to increase or decrease risk over time and within specifc contexts. Risk factors for victimization include child age and special needs that may increase caregiver burden. Factors that protect or bufer children from being abused or neglected are known as protective factors. Supportive family environments and social networks consistently emerge as protective factors;7, 8 however, other factors such as parental employment, adequate housing, and access to health care and social services may also serve to protect against child abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, no single factor tells the entire story about how and why child abuse and neglect occurs, and the risk and protective factors difer depending on the type of child abuse and neglect being studied. For additional information on risk and protective factors for child abuse and neglect, see Merrick, Fortson, and Mercy9 and Fortson and Mercy. Child abuse and neglect is associated with negative human, societal, and economic impacts. In the United States, the total lifetime economic burden associated with child abuse and neglect was approximately $124 billion in 2008. Much progress has been made in understanding how to prevent child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect is the result of the interaction of a number of individual, family, and environmental factors. Each of the various forms of violence are interrelated and share many risk and protective factors,18 consequences,19,20 and efective approaches to prevention. To be considered for inclusion in the technical package, the program or policy selected had to meet at least one of these criteria: a) meta-analyses or systematic reviews showing impact on child abuse and neglect victimization or perpetration; b) evidence from at least one or more rigorous. Finally, consideration was given to the likelihood of achieving benefcial efects on multiple forms of violence; no evidence of harmful efects on specifc outcomes or with particular subgroups; and feasibility of implementation in a U. Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Technical Package for Policy, Norm, and Programmatic Activities 9 Within this technical package, some approaches do not yet have research evidence demonstrating impact on rates of child abuse and neglect victimization or perpetration but instead are supported by evidence indicating impacts on risk factors for child abuse and neglect. In terms of the strength of the evidence, programs that have demonstrated efects on child abuse and neglect outcomes provide a higher level of evidence, but the evidence base is not that strong in all areas. For instance, there has been less evaluation of the efects of community and societal level approaches in preventing child abuse and neglect. Thus, approaches in this package that have efects on risk factors refect the developmental nature of the evidence base and the use of the best available evidence at a given time. It is also important to note that there is often signifcant heterogeneity among the programs, policies, or practices that fall within one approach in terms of the nature and quality of the available evidence.

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When it is very warm blood pressure and alcohol order 100mg trandate visa, children can play outdoors if they play in shady areas arrhythmia education inc generic trandate 100mg overnight delivery, wear sun the facility should have written policies on the promotion protective clothing peak pulse pressure qrs complex cheap trandate 100 mg without prescription, have water available to mist or sprinkle, of physical activity and the removal of potential barriers to and have plenty of water available for drinking. The policy can make clear and twenty minutes each day outdoors depending on that outdoor activity may require special clothing in colder their age, weather permitting. Recording the to address current understanding of the technical issues of occurrence of illness in a facility and the response to the ill contagion and other health risks. This plan should include: ness characterizes and defnes the frequency of the illness, a) Policies and procedures for urgent and emergency suggests whether an outbreak has occurred, may suggest care; an effective intervention, and provides documentation for b) Admission and inclusion/exclusion policies; administrative purposes. This publication includes detailed handouts special health care needs; that can be used to inform parents/guardians and outline e) A procedure for documenting the name of person guidelines and rationale for exclusion, return to care and affected, date and time of illness, a description of notifcation of public health authorities. Curriculum for Managing Infectious Dis g) Seasonal and pandemic infuenza policy; eases, an online training module for caregivers/teachers is h) Staff illness-guidelines for exclusion and re-entry. Managing infectious health problems or may develop health problems diseases in child care and schools: A quick reference guide. When age-appropriate health assess responsible health authority to whom confrmed or suspect ments and use of health insurance benefts are promoted ed cases of these diseases, or outbreaks of other infectious by caregivers/teachers, children enrolled in child care will diseases, should be reported, and should designate a staff have increased access to immunizations and other preven member as responsible for reporting the disease. Facility staff should encourage parents/ preventive health services that ensure they are healthy and guardians to schedule these preventive health services in a ready to learn. The child should the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act for receive immunizations on admission or provide evidence of children experiencing homelessness are documented and an immunization plan to prevent an increased exposure to include a plan for obtaining available documents within a vaccine-preventable diseases. Immunizations should be required for all children educational materials, and on-site visits for education and in child care and early education settings. Recommended schedule, the ?Recommended Immunization Schedules for childhood immunization schedules. Bright When a child who has a medical exemption from immuniza futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and tion is included in child care, reasonable accommodation adolescents. The family should Needs always be informed prior to the use of the permission unless Standards 9. Stategies for in the medical care of the child but also involved in support integrating developmental services and promoting medical homes. The person at the child care facility who is responsible for Every child should have a medical home and those with planning care for the child with special therapies or treat special health care needs may have additional specialists ments should obtain an individualized care plan, developed and therapists (4-7). Thera the location of the hospital emergency room departments pies and treatments need to meet the criteria for evidenced nearest to their home and child care facility. For more information on the medical wrong amount is given to the wrong person or at the wrong home concept, see the American Academy of Pediatrics time. Parents/guardians should always be notifed in every instance when medication is used. Medications e) the process of accepting medication from parents/ the facility should have a written policy for the administra guardians. Parents/guardians 3) Controlled substances; and prescribing health professionals must give a caregiver/ 4) Expired medications; teacher written authorization to administer medication to 5) A policy to insure confdentiality; the child (12). These should include: period of rapid development and are more vulnerable to the 1) Assigning administration only to an adequately possible side effects of medications, extra care should be trained, designated staff; given to the circumstances under which medications will be 2) Checking the written consent form; administered to this population. For these reasons route, and documentation) (1); caregivers/teachers need to be aware of each of the medi 4) Documenting and reporting any medication errors; cations a child received at child care as well as at home. These products are not safe for infants and young children and were withdrawn by the Consumer A medication administration record should be maintained on Healthcare Products Association for children less than two an ongoing basis by designated staff and should include the years of age in 2007 (4-6,8). The medication errors log can be reviewed and will point out what kind of intervention, if any, will be helpful in reducing the number 359 Chapter 9: Administration Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards of medication errors. Child care facilities must comply with the Americans administration in day care centers for children. If they b) Maintaining diaper changing areas and equipment in are given at home, the caregiver/teacher should be aware of a sanitary condition; their use and possible side effects. Policy statement: Guidance for the administration of of diseases in child care settings (1). Education of caregivers/teachers d) Menu and meal planning; regarding handwashing, cleaning, and other sanitation pro e) Food preparation and service; cedures can reduce the occurrence of illness in the group of f) Kitchen and meal service staffng; children with whom they work (2).

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Interest in child environmental health has mounted in recent years blood pressure medication interaction with grapefruit trandate 100mg mastercard, spurred by concern that this vulnerable group especially children under five years of age are disproportionately exposed to hypertension blood pressure buy trandate 100mg online and affected by health risks from environmental hazards pulse pressure method purchase trandate 100mg amex. The World Health Organization has defined environmental health as ?all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. Envi ronmental risk factors often act in concert, and their effects are exacerbated by adverse social and economic conditions, particularly conflict, poverty and malnutri tion. Six factors within environmental health issues have been identified as priori ties, as they cause the bulk of environment-related deaths and diseases among chil dren. These are: household water security, hygiene and sanitation, air pollution (including indoor air pollution and environmental tobacco smoke), vector-borne diseases, chemical hazards (for example lead, mercury, arsenic and the unsafe use of pesticides), and unintentional injuries. Children are often exposed to many of these environmental health risk factors at a time, often simultaneously in the places, or settings, where they live, learn, play and sometimes work. The home, school and neighbourhood settings are the places that children spend most of their time. In Kenya, key environmental health problems that had been identified by key stakeholders include inadequate access to safe water supply and sanitation, over crowding especially in informal settlements, disease causing vectors and air pollu tion, particularly indoor. Malaria, acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea, measles, malnutrition, skin infections and intestinal worms are documented to contribute to 80 Wilkister Nyaora Moturi over 70% of the deaths in children under five. These are diseases that are prevent able through immunization, proper environmental management or observing basic hygiene (Ministry of Health, 2004). Nakuru Coun ty is located 160 km North West of Nairobi which is the capital city of Kenya. These risks included food storage practices, faecal disposal and handwashing prac tices. Households in the sampling frame included those with at least one child aged 1-4 years. Information was also obtained from key informants who coupled as research assistants. Analysis of Demographic Health Sur veys in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali by Fayehun (2010) indicate that the level of parental education is closely related to the household environments and that more than 90% of children whose mothers have tertiary education live in households with low or non-health hazards. These included covering and storing in a cup Maternal-Child Health Interdiscplinary Aspects Within the Perspective of Global Health 81 board, on table, floor or a rope hanging from the roof such as that shown in Fig ure 1. Leftover food was left uncovered on the floor by 21% of the households, where flies, dust and roaming animals could have access to it. The reason given was that since children are left on their own when parents go to tend to their farms, they could help themselves to the food whenever they felt hungry. The remaining households constituting 19% stored their food uncovered either on hanging ropes, tables or open shelves. Figure 1: Leftover food stored on hanging rope the issue of food safety is closely related to water, sanitation and hygiene, particu larly with regard to reducing the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases among children. Accord ing to the Ministry of Health (Kenya) report presented at the Bamako Conference in 2002, there are inadequate mechanisms for the prevention and control of food borne diseases and less than 1% of cases are reported (MoH, 2004). This imposes a heavy social and economic burden on com munities and their health systems. However, potentially the most effective interventions are those that are closest to children and in settings where they spend most of their time within the home environment. This was observed mostly when the children were left under the care of their older siblings or caretakers (other than the mother) or when the children were so hungry and crying for food, such that cleaning of hands was over 82 Wilkister Nyaora Moturi looked as unimportant. For those who washed their hands before eating, the whole hand was washed among 41% of the children; palms only among 55% and fingers only among 4%. Table 1: Washing of hands by mother/caretaker in study households After purging child Before serving food Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Not washed 128 51 240 69 Washed with used water 49 19 33 9 Washed with clean water 45 18 71 20 Washed with clean water and 28 11 5 1 soap Used water and soap 3 1 1 0. Children are an important reservoir of diarrhoeal pathogens and the caretaker who purges the child after defecation is often a major preparer of food for the household. Rosen and Vincent (2001) state that almost all endemic diarrhoeal diseases that take a heavy toll on health in sub-Saharan Africa are transmitted through the faecal-oral pathway and are therefore very often water-washed. Maternal-Child Health Interdiscplinary Aspects Within the Perspective of Global Health 83 4. This was far below the national average of 83% and the average for rural households, which was given as 46.


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